Josh Thorn

Josh Thorn


Josh is a a freelance outdoors instructor and expedition leader. He has led several Wind Sand & Stars journeys into the desert and mountains of South Sinai. His background is in community development trips and Wind Sand & Stars’ strong links with the Bedouin are a major reason for Josh choosing to work with us. He has a degree in Exploration and Resource Geology, spent several years in the Army Reserves and has travelled, worked, and volunteered in East Africa, West Africa, South America, the Sinai and various parts of Europe.

Dr Rabia Tawfik

Dr Rabia Tawfik

Sinai Ground Handler

Rabia has worked with Wind Sand & Stars since its inception and has been key to the long term and stable relationships which ensure safety as well as the capacity to journey in areas little known to the western world. He originally trained as a doctor, working in hospitals in Cairo, but fell in love with the desert and the Bedu way of life while working in the area one summer nearly 30 years ago. He lives in the Sinai as a director of his own specialist company, and agent for Wind Sand & Stars. Rabia, with his knowledge of different ways of life, is able to give key insights into the desert world and his support team are always generous natured and high quality.

Peter Harvey

Peter Harvey


As a director of Wind Sand & Stars, Peter brings operational experience to the team, having set up and run a number of travel and personal development companies over the last 20 years. Peter’s specialism in risk management has involved him in establishing safety standards, as Co-chair for the creation of the ISO Adventure Tourism standard, and as an active member of the technical committee for the British Standard in Overseas Expeditions (BS8848). Still devoted to having new experiences, Peter travels widely providing practical advice to teams working in remote parts of the world. He thrives on revealing new cultures and environments to individuals through safe and responsible travel.

Laura Saxon

Laura Saxon

Programme Co-ordinator

Laura has spent much of her working life behind the scenes delivering challenge events for a range of adventurers. From the Bayuda Desert to Croatia and the wilds of Papua New Guinea she has sent groups out for trips of a lifetime. A large portion of her time has been spent working with charities and their fundraisers, and she gained an enormous amount of satisfaction from the demonstrable benefit of the outdoors and seeing clients step out of their comfort zones. Away from working, Laura has travelled fairly extensively and is at her happiest in the Dolomites or the Alps on a pair of skis.

Any adventure which can be accompanied by her beloved norfolk terrier Gilbert is also high on the list!

  • Josh Thorn Josh Thorn Leader
  • Dr Rabia Tawfik Dr Rabia Tawfik Sinai Ground Handler
  • Peter Harvey Peter Harvey Director
  • Laura Saxon Laura Saxon Programme Co-ordinator

A unique experience and a privilege to share the Bedouin’s way of life, for a short time.

Guest, Sinai Summits, April 2019

It was the most wonderful trip, so glad I took up this opportunity. All beautifully organised – well done.

Icons of St Catherine’s Guest November 2022

Enthralling and beyond my hopes, it was a deeply spiritual experience at many levels. I am still raving about it all to anyone who crosses my path!

Icons of St Catherine’s Guest November 2022

“The whole trip was AMAZING – thank you so much.”

Francis Burkitt, St Catherine tailor made, August 2017

We got more out of our adventure than we had ever hoped for, thanks to a country of huge diversity and historical interest and to a very special guide.

Cunningham family, Jordan, April 2017

So many thoughts about our wonderful trip to St Catherine’s; the fantastic warmth of welcome from the Egyptians, Fathers Justin and Nilus, and the unique history which we felt privileged to be given access to. In my book, how could one not enjoy and be inspired!

Julia Palmer, St Catherine’s Retreat, February 2017

“Huge thanks to all at Wind, Sand & Stars for an amazing trip. John’s passion for Ethiopia fires his erudition and he gave us more insights into the country, past and present, than we could ever have gained from local guides.”

Christine Dunmow, Exploring Ethiopia’s Orthodox History with John Binns 2016

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