Come and see Father Justin in London on 28th November

Father Justin is visiting London and will be speaking at two events organised by Liz Edmunds on 28th November. Both events are free but require registration in advance as places are limited.
Just This Day
A morning event held at St Martin in the Field held in conjunction with World Community for Christian Meditation takes place from 8.30-12pm. A programme of music, silence and meditation will also include a discussion between Father Justin, librarian at the Monastery of St Catherine’s in Sinai, and Father Laurence Freeman OSB, a Benedictine monk, exploring the mystical tradition of Eastern and Western Christianity.
Further details are give below, please click on the image to register:
Evening talk by Father Justin
A reception and exhibition of paintings and photographs from St Catherine’s Monastery will be followed by a talk at 7.30pm by Father Justin on the Ladder of Divine Ascent, held at the School of Economic Science.
Further details are give below, please click on the image to register: