Sinai in the news
Several recent news items feature South Sinai and the Monastery of St Catherine. These reflect both its enduring appeal and a heartening interest in support for tourism in the region.
From our Own Correspondent on BBC Radio 4 delved into the archives at St Catherine; fast forward to 11 minutes 50 seconds to hear about the Ladder of Divine Ascent and a visit to the ossuary:
Another piece published by the BBC Online reports on very modern and muliti-disciplinary research to catalogue and preserve the monastery’s fragile ancient manuscripts, many of them palimpsests:
Both were written by Fleur MacDonald, a freelance journalist, who joined a Wind Sand & Stars group earlier this year. Her interest in Sinai and St Catherine had been aroused when she wrote an article for The Economist 1843 magazine on the Swiss photographer Frederic Boissonas, whose images of Egypt and Sinai from the 1930s documented the country’s people, scenery and ancient treasures:
Stunning photographs of Sinai were also on BBC’s News in Pictures, following a hiking trail across the South Sinai peninsula:
These articles shine a light on a unique, fascinating and complex geopolitical region. But above all, they convey the incredibly warm welcome that our friends and colleagues amongst the Bedouin and monks extend to visitors to their beautiful desert home.